Performing Pedagogy, Engaging Technology is organized by Kyueun Kim as her Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program Independent Study. It is a pre-conference at the 2019 Doctoral Theatre Student Association’s third annual conference—Screening Performance, Performing Screens: New Projections in Theatre and Media.
The conference invites doctoral theatre students and educators to discuss how we might learn from and adapt theatre and performance scholarship and pedagogy for the college classroom, especially focusing on the role of digital media technologies. The conference aims to start conversations around the intersections of the scholarship of teaching and learning, digital humanities, and theatre and performance studies as they relate to such concepts as embodiment, immersion, affect, and experiential learning.

Kyueun Kim is a feminist, educator, and a Ph.D. student in Theatre and Performance at The Graduate Center, CUNY. Her research interests are: the epistemologies of technology and the human body, radical democracy and social performance at (digital) public spheres, and East Asian urban modernities and popular (media) culture. She enjoys teaching Speech Communication at Baruch College and is interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Kyueun is excited to start her 5th year WAC (Writing Across the Curriculum) fellowship at the Teaching and Learning Center in Fall 2019. Her reflection on classroom communication as praxis and designing an activity inspired by bell hooks’ Teaching to Transgress can be found at TLC’s Visible Pedagogy this May.

This project is advised by Professor Michael Mandiberg (ITP program coordinator).
Sponsor: The conference has received Doctoral Students Council (DSC) Startup Grant.
Special Thanks to: Professor Jean Graham-Jones (Theatre and Performance), Luke Waltzer and Elizabeth Decker (Teaching and Learning Center), Julie Fuller (English; ITP program assistant), Patricia Goodson (APO; Theatre Program), Sarah Litvin (History; TLC fellow), Kanu Kim (poster design), 2019 DTSA conference organization committee members, and all the participants.
Conference Poster Design Inspiration
For questions, email: kkim1 at